"Being human, in olden days we sat down and talked face to face, our face turns red with embarrassment, but we can feel each other’s emotions close up – fears, anger, sadness and happiness. Will we still have these feelings in the future?
In this dialogue between ancient culture and modern technology, we experience puzzles that comes with the rapid progression of technology, and reflect on it – what will be the future relation between human and technology?
The most difficult task for this show is getting the audience to accept and acknowledge that their lifestyle, the way they communicate and the way that they work might not be the best"- Zhang Yimou.

2047 Apologue by the Chinese director and visionary–Zhang Yimou, premiered at The National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing June 2017.
The director extends the traditional forms of stage performances, combining Chinese folk art with modern technology. The show consisted of eight performances, which were prepared by 20 international and local teams including CPG Concepts, The Radugadesign studio, WHITEvoid (Germany) and London Theatre of Contemporary Ballet.
In each of the performances, the emphasis was focused on the fact that technology and humans are merged together, but nothing is eternal and technology can leave us.
Most of us now do not represent our existence without virtual communication, wireless networks, complex programs and impulses. So what if we are deprived of all these opportunities?